Contemporary music,
for this , I actually enjoy over it even if the song isn't the one I like. my emotional just go together with the music. and i decided to paint a heart which mean "speak for my heart". Its a heart because first it came with a really sad song and on that day i was been hurt by my friend. the other side with colourful because of the song started to be happy and which is the one i like. came to some of the like of strong base song , and i draw the background.

Classical music,
for this it is an art of music produced the rooted in the traditional way. It is actually not the one I used to listen with. I didn't much like this kind of song yet I do go with my emotional. I used my hand to print on it. and the line was i fill some of the water into my poster colour bottle and use it to pour and form a line due to miss Lisa asked not to just using our brush. some gose high pitch and i felt a little angry with it. therefore, i use red at fist and splash on it. after that the tone turn soft and i decide to use some pink or while blue to paint on it.
Over all , i do enjoy this assignment because i do not need to think much. Just draw...
kind of free. even my composition is off. my drawing skills are off.
Here are some of my class mate produced.